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Protect Your Smartphone!

As more account holders begin to jump on the mobile banking bandwagon, it's important to remember that a Smartphone essentially acts as another computer.

While this additional connection to the Internet is convenient, it also serves as another outlet where your information can be compromised.

Here are a few crucial steps to take to avoid falling victim to this type of Internet crime.

  • Keep your computer and mobile device updated with the newest versions of anti-virus software.
  • If you have any doubts about an email sender's authenticity, do not click on any embedded links or attached documents.
  • Remember, financial institutions or government agencies NEVER request any personal information via email.
  • Never access confidential information such as online banking using a public wifi connection.

Be vigilant about checking your account activity. The sooner you notice and report any type of fraudulent activity, the more likely you'll be able to be reimbursed for any missing funds. LMFCU offers the free CardNav mobile app to monitor your account. CardNav provides a phone alert whenever your card is used. 


